Monday, October 20, 2014

Character: Anna

          Anna Marie Mendezoa is a mysterious girl first found in a forest by herself by Esther. She had supposedly survived in the forest for years, and prides herself on her harsh upbringing to survive. Anna is known to act mean and cold to new people, yet she is also easily embarrassed and can be pressured into awkward situations. Continuous events like these, however, have made her decisions clear, confident, and concise. It is rumored that she is in love with someone, but she is too shy to ever admit it. Bringing this topic up can also lead to strong violence, as she is as skilled with her fists as she is with a bow and arrow.

"Maybe if I wasn't surrounded by idiots, then we would get somewhere!"
"Nature is truly beautiful. You should really open your eyes and look for once."
"B-baka! I don't like him at all! S-shut up!"

-In the original series, Anna was the only person to win more than once, with a total of 5 wins, and surviving an additional Season, bringing the total to 6.
-She is believed to have been blessed by mother nature, and is very conservative with things concerning nature.
-Anna herself has a deep backstory, but nobody, not even her, knows what happened. It is believed that her parents were killed before she was discovered in the forest.
-She refers to Esther as a motherly figure, since she was the first one to find and take care of Anna.

1 comment:

  1. Anna please go easy on TG, just let him get shot by Justin. Oh wait, that will be hard...well good luck.
