Friday, October 31, 2014


Andddd in the same timeframe of 2 days, Chapter 2 is done! more introductions, and possibly a bit of character development is included in here, so go ahead! Do something! I don't care!


Heyo! It's finally here! The first part in the exciting series of TTL TSE TT R&R ASE! Of course, the first chaters are just going to be introductions. The first chapter is pretty lighthearted, as it is from MY perspective. Basically: I'm a idiot, and that's how the first chapter is. The End. Now what are you waititng for! Read the first chapter, or not! I don't care! Just do something!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

About the Chapters

So! With all the introductions aside, the blog will finally start up in actual chapter postings!
A few notes though:
                                 -Since the transcript is on paper, I will NOT be altering ANY information at all. This will be the takeoff point for TTL TSE.
                                 -I will post ALL that chapters on here. And don't complain about spoilers! I'm still learning about Blogger, so I'm also still working out some bugs and menus to put them in a reasonable order.
                                -Any questions for me? Post it in the comments, where else would you put it?!
                                -That's it. I'm done.
                                -In the transcript, there is a foreword to readers, but that's basically all the introductions, with a few edits on the blog. So I will not be posting it and starting on Chapter 1.

NOW! I'll be starting off fresh now, with the frist chapter of TTL TSE TT R&R ASE!

The first chapter is very lighthearted I'll have you know. But continuing on from there, It's all exposition and acutal plot from then on.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Character: Charlie

           Charlie Luna Stagiz is known as the one of the only two backstage crew members in the lifespan of The Travel Log. As such, he goes relatively unknown with The Announcer for the majority of the time. He is thought to be a guide and/or mentor to the cast, and whenever noticed, he is often abused and overworked. In reality, he is very smart, and is widely considered to survive if he actually tried. He serves a deep hatred for Justin, even though he was hired by him in the first place. Even with all his struggles, he still helps without question, as without TTL, he would be in poverty, as like Justin, he is dirt poor.

"That seems like a bad ide- andddd he did it anyways."
"Why do you guys always make me work?! That's so unfair!"
"That is NOT my fault."

-Charlie is the oldest of the cast, and is known as "Char" to most people.
-It is rumored that he has a girlfriend, the only person in the series to have a confirmed love interest.
-He likes money, and dislikes people who overwork him (specifically Justin).

Monday, October 20, 2014

Character: That Guy

            That Awesome Guy has the most unfortunate/unique name of all time. Born with the first name "That", he is actually extremely popular and currently resides in WollyHood. His is known to be cunning, deceptive, lacking manners, and is extremely perverted. He is mostly referred to as "TG" by the cast, and used to be the butt of the jokes in the original series. He has a huge crush on Anna and is in constant shenanigans to catch her attention, which usually involve him being hurt, or brutally killed in the end.

"Name's TG. I would tell you my real name, but that's confusing enough."
"Heh, my middle name is AWESOME! No really, I can show you my birth certificate..."
"Anna still hates me, but whatever! Yesterday is always a new day! Oh wait, other way around?"

-It is rumored that his parents were good friends with the President Millard Filmore, thus representing his unfortunate name.
-He is coincidentally liked by everyone BESIDES the cast, save for Tim.
-He holds the record of "Best/Worst name in history."

Character: Anna

          Anna Marie Mendezoa is a mysterious girl first found in a forest by herself by Esther. She had supposedly survived in the forest for years, and prides herself on her harsh upbringing to survive. Anna is known to act mean and cold to new people, yet she is also easily embarrassed and can be pressured into awkward situations. Continuous events like these, however, have made her decisions clear, confident, and concise. It is rumored that she is in love with someone, but she is too shy to ever admit it. Bringing this topic up can also lead to strong violence, as she is as skilled with her fists as she is with a bow and arrow.

"Maybe if I wasn't surrounded by idiots, then we would get somewhere!"
"Nature is truly beautiful. You should really open your eyes and look for once."
"B-baka! I don't like him at all! S-shut up!"

-In the original series, Anna was the only person to win more than once, with a total of 5 wins, and surviving an additional Season, bringing the total to 6.
-She is believed to have been blessed by mother nature, and is very conservative with things concerning nature.
-Anna herself has a deep backstory, but nobody, not even her, knows what happened. It is believed that her parents were killed before she was discovered in the forest.
-She refers to Esther as a motherly figure, since she was the first one to find and take care of Anna.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Character: Tim

         Timothy "Tim" Traveler is Justin's childhood friend, and a pretty annoying one in fact. Hyper and energetic, he's always looking for a way to one-up or annoy his friends, especially Justin. Tim comes off a bit cocky and confident, but due to his nature, he is not taken as seriously as he should, since he has a decent set of skills, and a whole load of tv products thanks to Milly Bays. He can be ignorant of his mistakes, and usually doesn't get inside jokes or references very easily. Usually disliked by the rest of the cast, he can easily become depressed about it, and he tries to be friends with the others. The easiest to be manipulated.

"Heh, look who finally got to the party!"
"Ugh, why does everyone hate me? I only want their credit cards and belongings!"
"Trust me, I'm not gonna backstab ya! Just gonna steal all that you have!"

-He takes on the role of the "Stock Keeper" in the team.
-Tim is known to hoard, and owns a multitude of tv products.
-He is afraid of death, yet he doesn't care that much else for other's safety.
-Tim likes apples and social media,but dislikes loud noises.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Character: Esther

        Esther "Est" Williams is considered to be the humble farmgirl in the universe of The Travel Log. She is young, yet hardworking due to a isolated upbringing on the farm that she group up on. Her parents were rich, so they had left her alone to bring up the family business. She had then spent most of her time with the only animals that she loved: Chickens. Ever since then, she is known to be a nice, easygoing person, yet can be a bit awkward in conversation due to her lonely life on the farm. Even with these impairments, she isn't too afraid to strike up a conversation, and can be overprotective and caring for her friends, as she doesn't want to lose any.

"I don't care, if there's chickens, I'm in."
"What. The. Feather."

-She takes on the role as the "Mother" of the group.
-Yet, she is also the youngest in the group.
-As of growing up on a farm, Est is a Vegetarian.
-She knows French, and has a southern accent, yet she tries to hide it.
-She is a pacifist, yet she tries to shut down a clan known as the "Chicken Cult Clan", or the CCC for short.

Character: Justin

         Justin-Ivan Labilles is the creator of The Travel Log. He is a young teenager that tries to get along with everyone else, yet doesn't get many friends in return due to a lack of common sense. He holds the occupation of Gunsmith, yet he is a terrible shot and more often hits his own friends than his targets, intended or not. He may not be the brightest due to his braindead sense, yet is always coming up with genius plans that are offset by his peculiar case of good and bad luck.

"Oh no... Anything but the Justinpocalypse..."

-He takes on the role of the "Leader" in the group, yet he is the 2nd youngest, next to Esther.
-Justin is a notoriously big drinker, yet he mostly drinks apple cider.
-He notoriously is known for killing most of his fellow castmates.
-He likes quotes and game references.


The Travel Log is a modern take on the age old task of traveling the trail.
         The Orgeon Trail.
     With a cast and crew and about 7 people, this will never work out well, and in the previous runnings of the show, it never did. Going on for 10 Seasons and 2 Specials of failure, only about 1 cast member finished alive every time.

Now the band of idiots have moved on since the finalie of the show, and it's been 5 years since the events. The creator of the show, Justin, now plans to get the cast back together for one more try. He plans to make it though The Orgeon Trail, and finally put the challenge to rest.

        But when you are stuck with an idiot self-proclaimed "leader", an annoying friend that wants your credit cards, a pacifist farmer that has an unhealthy obssession with a chicken cult, a amnesiac nature girl that hates a certain someone, a certain celebrity star with the most unfortunate name of all time, a stage hand that nobody actually cares about, and an announcer that also doesn't care or matter, then you get...
               The Travel Log.

Have Fun!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Alright! I finally got around to starting up a blog! Even though it's a cheap blog on blogspot, whatever! It's still fine! TTL lives on!

Anyways, this will be the official blog for future posts and updates of...

        The Travel Log:
             The Second Expansion,
                  Take Two-
                        Remixed & Remastered_
                              Actual Story Edition!

Or you could just say TTL:TSE,TT-R&R_ASE for short.

Whatever! Expect me to procrastinate again with all the character developments, story, and overall work effort.